We need to have installed:
- Node.js (If you don't have it click here)
- Express (If you don't have it click here)
- MongoDB (If you don't have it click here)
Now, we will create our project:
Create the project
1 - Open your terminal and headed to the directory where we want to create our project
2 - Write in the terminal: $ express crudApp
3 - Headed to the project folder and opened the file "package.json" and insert a new line in dependecies:
"dependencies": { "express": "3.4.8", "jade": "*", "mongoose": "*" } |
this is the module that will allow us to chat communications
4 - choose de folder of the proyect in the terminal: $ cd crudApp
5 - install dependencies, write in the terminal: $ npm install
Create the DataBase
1 - Headed to the project folder and create a new folder called "Data".
1 - Headed to the project folder and create a new folder called "Data".
2 - Open your terminal and create de new DataBase, write:
$ mongod --dbpath folder_data_url* *change folder_data_url for your folder data url
Warning: You can't close this terminal window.
Create the server
Open the file "app.js" and write:
1 - Below "var app = express();" write:
// ... code var app = express(); // require the library mongoose mongoose = require('mongoose'); // Connect with our database mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/db_crudApp'); // Create the model of the database var Schema = mongoose.Schema var info = new Schema({ name: String, email: String }); // create de object of the model var info = mongoose.model('info',info);
//... code
2 - Create the routes, add this code below "app.get('/users', user.list);":
// ... code app.get('/', routes.index); app.get('/users', user.list); app.get('/contacts',function(req, res){ info.find({},function(err,data){ res.render('contacts', { title: 'Contacts', data: data }); }); }); app.post('/contacts',function(req, res){ newinfo = new info({ name: req.body.name, email: req.body.email}); newinfo.save(function(err){ if (err) {throw error;} else {res.redirect('/contacts');} }); }); // ... code |
Create the view
Create a new jade file "views/contacts.jade" and write this:
We can see de form to add a new contact and all the contacts.
Next Part
In the Part 2 we create de options of update and delete in the database
I hope you liked it, and if you have any questions feel free to write me:
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