Node.js -> How install Node.js?
Express -> First project with Express and Node.js
Now, we are ready to creating our chat.
Create the project
1 - Open your terminal and headed to the directory where we want to create our project
2 - Write in the terminal: $ express easyChat
3 - Headed to the project folder and opened the file "package.json" and insert a new line in dependecies:
"dependencies": { "express": "3.4.8", "jade": "*", "": "*" } |
this is the module that will allow us to chat communications
4 - choose de folder of the proyect in the terminal: $ cd easyChat
5 - install dependencies, write in the terminal: $ npm install
Create the server
Create the server
Open the file "app.js" and change the last line by:
// create the var server var server = http.createServer(app).listen(app.get('port'), function(){ console.log('Express server listening on port ' + app.get('port')); }); // create our server socket var io = require('').listen(server); // listen the messages and answer io.sockets.on('connection',function(socket){ // listen socket.on('message',function(data){ // answer io.sockets.emit('message', data); }); }); |
Create the view
Open the file "views/index.jade" and change the text by:
extends layout block content h1 EasyChat form input(type="text",id="message") input(type="submit", value="send!") div#chat script(src='') script(src='/') script(type='text/javascript' src='/javascripts/functions.js') |
Create a new file in /public/javascripts/ called "functions.js":
// create the user's socket var socket = io.connect(); jQuery(function ($) { var formChat = $('#formChat'); var message = $('#message'); // when push the button "send", the message is sent to the server formChat.submit(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); socket.emit('message',message.val()); }); // listen the server and print the message socket.on('message',function(data){ $('#chat').prepend('<p> - '+ data +' </p>'); }); }); |
Now we have our first chat!!!! you can see the demo in the video:
I hope you liked it, and if you have any questions feel free to write me:
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