Feb 25, 2014

First Project with Express and Node.js

In this post we will install Express, the node.js framework, and we will create our first project with the famous "Hello World!"

We will first explain what is Express:

"Express is a minimal and flexible node.js web application 
framework providing a robust set of features for building 
single and multi-page, and hybrid web applications."

Feb 21, 2014

Make a Paint in JavaScript (Part 2) - Adapt to Touch Screen

In this post we will adapt the paint you just created for it can be used from any mobile device. If you still have not created the Paint in javascript you can start with this tutorial:

Only we will work on the Javascript file. We have to make some changes:

Feb 18, 2014

Make a Paint in JavaScript (Part 1)

In this tutorial we will create a simple Paint (Blackboard) in JavaScript. We will follow a few simple steps writing some code very easy to understand. we can start: 


1 - We need to create a canvas tag in the html file, which is where we paint. We stand between the <body> and </body> tags and write: 

Feb 15, 2014

Make a Clock in Javascript

In this post we will create a simple clock that updates every second, and it is very easy to do and understand, it is a good way to go introducing us to the world of javascript.

Create the function

The first thing to do is open our favorite JavaScript editor (Sublime Text, NotePad + +, Dreamweaver, etc. ..) and we write:

function clock() {

         var dateNow = new Date();

         var hours = dateNow.getHours();
         var min = dateNow.getMinutes();
         var sec = dateNow.getSeconds();

Feb 12, 2014

First HelloWorld in Node.js

To create our first HelloWorld in Node.js the first thing that we need is to install Node.js on our machine, if you don't have it, visit this post:

Now, we can create our first HelloWorld!!!!!

Feb 9, 2014

How to install Node.js?

In this post we will learn what is Node.js and as it installs successfully ,step by step, on different operating systems.

What is Node.js?

Until not long ago, JavaScript only was used to develop front-end, which is the part closest to the user, but with the arrival of Node.js this has changed.

Node is a Back-end JavaScript interpreter that changes the concept of how a server should work. Its objective is to enable developers to create highly scalable applications and write code to handle tens of thousands of concurrent connections on a single physical computer.